20 things I wish I could tell my teenage self

1. Don't lose sleep over your high school grades. They don't matter that much.

2. Stop stressing so much about not knowing what you want to do with your life. At 25 you still won't have figured it out. And that's okay.

3. Being shy is not a weakness.

4. Either is being quiet, reserved or softly spoken (this will probably be one of the hardest thing for you to learn).

5. Boys don't care about how skinny you are as much as you think they do.

6. The weird kids at school end up being the cooler ones later in life.

7. 99% of the things you overthink will not matter in the bigger scheme of things.

8. Don't download Instagram.

9. Or feel like you have to have an online presence to be socially worthy.

10. Appreciate the time you get to spend with your friends at school. It get's harder to stay in contact or make new friends when you get older.

11. Your friends circles will change. But don't worry, it's a sign that you are growing.

12. Having a boyfriend won't fix all your problems.

13. Either will having a flat stomach or fitting into a size 6.

14. Money isn't everything. But having more of it will give you freedom to live however you want.

15. Having said that, never choose a career path based off the salary. You gotta be passionate about it too.

16. You don't need to buy a new outfit for every event you go to.

17. You are not a loser just because you have never had a boyfriend. You will fall in love soon and it will feel just like the movies.

18. Spoiler alert: you will also know heartbreak. It will hurt. Like, a lot. But don't worry, that feeling won't last forever.

19. You will appreciate your parents more as you get older. I know it's hard, but try not to be such a bitch to them.

20. You are one of the strongest people I know.


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