25 Lessons I've learned by 25

1. Doing something because you feel like you 'should' isn't a good enough reason.


2. Feeling guilty isn't a good enough reason to do something either.


3. Spending time with new people is the best way I know to avoid feeling stagnant in life.


4. Life costs money. You don't have to feel guilty every time you spend it.


5. There are some things that you just can't be a stingy with. A tent is one of them.


6. You will feel better if you spend less time talking about what you want to do, and just go do it instead.


7. If you try to change the way people think, feel or act you will wind up feeling frustrated. Try just supporting where they are at instead.


8. Your time is precious. Be selfish about how you choose to spend it.


9. It's okay to distance yourself from people who drain you.


10. The only person negatively affected when you gossip about other people is you.


11. Trust your gut feeling. Even if it doesn't make sense to you just yet.


12. A night in alone is better than a night out with average company.


13. Read books, it will broaden your perspective.


14. But don't lend them to people if you ever want to see them again.


15. People will give you advice not to do the stupid thing. Sometimes you're going to do it anyway. Don't hate yourself for it.


16. No-one is ahead, you are not behind. Do things at your own pace.


17. The most attractive people are the ones who are brave enough to be their authentic self and own their weirdness. Whatever that may look like.


18. You don't have to give a reason when you cancel plans.


19. Same goes for when you call in sick to work.


20. You are always a few decisions away from a completely different life. If you don't like something about your current situation, change it.


21. Be selfish when it comes to making the big life decisions. At the end of the day, you're the one that has to live it out.


22. Don't underestimate the impact you have on people.


23. Your feelings are your inner compass. Pay attention to them.


24. Spending time in nature is a form of therapy. Try and do it as often as you can.


25. You have time to do it all. But not all at once.


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