A dietitian's guide to creating a healthy relationship with alcohol


If you are looking for a dietitian who is going to tell you that you have to stop binge drinking ASAP! Must only drink two standard drinks in one night! Or can only choose mixers that are low-cal sugar-free! Then you might need to look elsewhere, because I'm not your gal. On the other hand, if you are after a bit more of an honest approach on how to improve your relationship with alcohol, then saludos sis! You have come to the right place. 


So why have I decided against robotically reciting the alcohol guidelines to you? Well, two reasons really... 

A.  You're not going to listen to them anyway

B.  Lets be real... I don't even follow them

Yes, alcohol is a toxin. Yes, it can cause damage to your body. Yes, having more than four drinks in one night is classified as binge drinking. We are all aware of this, yet we still continue to do it. Therefore, I highly doubt that reiterating this is going to influence the way you drink in the slightest. So let's take a bit more of a realistic approach, shall we? 

To drink or not to drink... 

Whether or not you choose to drink alcohol is a lifestyle choice. And whichever side of the fence you sit on is entirely up to you. For me, I am finding that as I get older it intuitively feels right to drink less. Maybe this is because my body can't seem to handle a hangover like it used to. Or maybe it's because I have become better at tuning into my body and understanding what feels right for me. Either way, I want to take a moment to remind you that it is okay if you don’t want to drink as much as your friends do anymore. Why do I feel the need to say this? Because social pressure with drinking is a real thing. 

Never one for being a huge drinker, I have had my fair share of moments in which I have had to practise being firmer in my decision to opt out of drink rounds I don't want to be a part of. With emphasis on the word 'firmer' - because the decision to opt out often receives a bit of backlash from friends (e.g. Don't be boring! Party pooper! You are always so responsible!). 

But if you don’t want in on that second bottle of wine, or that spontaneous round of tequila shots at the bar… then simply say NO. Remember that it's your body. Your choice. And whether you decide to get drunk or not shouldn’t have an impact on the way you turn up (and are treated) at social events with friends. 

We clear on that one? Good!


Now lets take a look at some of the reasons you might find yourself reaching for that bottle of red after a long week in the office. Maybe you are using it to...


Cope with uncomfortable emotions? 

Manage anxiety? 

Drown away your sorrows? 

Navigate awkward social situations? 

Build up a bit of liquid confidence to message that guy that isn't texting you back? 


If any of those resonated, then perhaps turning to alcohol in this context isn't the best option. Dare I say that adopting a few other healthier coping strategies could be of benefit. 


On the other hand, maybe you…

Love to enjoy your favourite vino alongside a home cooked meal? 

Enjoy a seaside beer as you watch the sunset? 

Splash out on a cocktail to celebrate a friends birthday? 

Enjoy a few drinks before hitting the dancefloor for a boogie with your gal pals? 

Love nothing better than a relaxing afternoon spent at a winery with friends? 


If this is the case, then go for it! Because (in my opinion) these are all indicators of a 'healthier' relationship with alcohol. As you are using it to compliment social settings, rather than dictate or define them. 


Want to better understand the relationship you have with alcohol? 

Next time you order yourself a vodka lime & soda at the bar (or seven...), take a moment to check in with yourself and ask:


Why do I feel the need to drink in this moment?

How does drinking make me feel: Before? During? Afterwards? 

Did drinking add value to this event/night/occasion?

Does the amount I drink change when I spend time with different people? 

If everyone else wasn’t drinking, would I still feel the need to do it? 


And if answering these questions made you realise that all signs point to 'I want to start drinking less'…

A realistic approach to cutting down on alcohol could look like…


Saying no to that last round of drinks

Deciding to stop drinking within the hour before you go home

Aiming to have a glass of water between drinks

Limiting the amount you drink at pres by only bringing half of the six pack

Leaving your card at home, and only taking enough cash out for a couple of drinks and an Uber home

Dedicating a few alcohol-free weekends

Choosing lower alcohol bevs, Maybe a light beer, a Spritz, or a lower-alcohol wine e.g. Paradox wines (look it up) - this way you will naturally drink less without feeling stone-cold sober at that work gathering you have been dreading attending!

Bringing a non-alcoholic equivalent to the party. Such as a DIY mocktail, ginger beer, or an alcohol-free wine alternative e.g. Funky Monkey wines (look it up) - better yet, decant it into an alcohol glass when you arrive. This way you get to avoid the 'why aren't you drinking?!' comments!

Organising social plans that don’t involve alcohol i.e. going out for coffee, doggie walking dates, or movie nights with friends

Before I let you go… 

If alcohol abuse is an area you struggle with, please seek out professional help to support you with overcoming this. Lifeline 13 11 14










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