23 (unofficial) rules of camping

1. Pack the car and do the woolies food shopping the night before. It makes for a stress-free (& timely) departure.

2. Don't forget a hammer. Or dishwashing liquid.

3. Bring more gas than you think you need.

4. You don't need to bring 10 pairs of underwear for a 2 night trip.

5. It's also slightly overkill to bring 5 rolls of toilet paper.

6. Set up camp close enough to the toilet block that it's not too much of a hike to get there, but not so close that you can smell it from your tent.

7. Pack a book. You probably won't read it, but it's nice to have the option anyways.

8. Have at least 3 good playlists saved offline.

9. It's acceptable to crack a cold one at 11:00am. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

10. Google the card game 'golf' before you lose reception. You can thank me later.

11. Pack for comfort. The daggier (and more mismatched) the better.

12. Don't bring a mirror. You will feel better being blissfully unaware of how disheveled you look.

13. It's probably not socially acceptable to use the neighbour's stove to boil water while they are out for a walk (even though you ran out of gas and it is very tempting).

14. Bring a journal and spend a few minutes each day noting the intricacies of your trip. The peak and pit of your day? What made you laugh? You think you will remember this stuff later down the track, but you most likely won't.

15. Don't feed the wildlife unless you want an extra guest at dinner each night. Even if you feel sorry for them because they look blind in one eye.

16. People-watching at the campsite is an underrated pass time. Sit back, relax and observe.

17. Bring snags and bacon. This will save you getting breakfast envy from the neighbouring campers.

18. Get your hair wet in the ocean on the first day. You can shower when you get home.

19. Treat yourself to some warm boiled water to wash your face before bed. It sounds basic, but it can feel like a real luxury after a day in the elements.

20. Always keep your shoes in the tent (or the car) overnight. Or run the risk of getting them soaked by an unexpected downpour.

21. Reapply sunscreen. Nobody likes a rudolph nose or racerback tan by the end of the trip.

22. Turn your phone on silent. Nothing ruins the serenity more than the *ping* of a notification.

23. Embrace the freedom of having no agenda for the day. The whole point of camping is to have nowhere to be and nothing to achieve.


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