A single girl's guide to spending a solo Saturday night in

Its 7pm, your housemates have just gone out for drinks, and you are home alone. Before you know it… those familiar Saturday night blues start to kick in. 

In this moment, you essentially have a choice. Either: 


  1. Wallow around in self-pity because you are home alone and have yourself a miserable night, or…
  2. You can pick yourself up, wipe away those tears, and cherish the moment of getting to spend a night in with your very own (wonderful) company. 


But hang on a second… isn't being single in your 20's supposed to look like wild nights out until 4am on the dancefloor hooking up with beautiful strangers? Well, not for everyone. Or not every single weekend, at least. If the thought of spending every Saturday night out past 12am on a sweaty dance floor surrounded by people drunk off their face is the stuff of nightmares - then alas! This is the post for you. 


Below is my step-by-step guide to overcoming those Saturday night blues and making the most of your solo night in (Because FYI, option B is a lot more fun).  


Step 1: Let yourself feel all the feels. 

It is only human to experience those lonely feels being single and home alone on a Saturday night. So the first thing I want you to do is cut yourself a break, and just acknowledge that it is okay that you feel this way. I'm a big believer in welcoming all emotions, rather than trying to ignore, avoid or suppress them. Which makes my advice this: let the feelings wash over you, and give yourself permission to simply FEEL them. Because the sooner you do, the sooner it will pass. Accept it. Don’t dwell on it. And most importantly, don’t view it as a negative. Because there is absolutely nothing lame about spending a night in with yourself. You’re a pretty cool person to hang out with, remember? 


Step 2: Recognise that spending the night solo is a choice. 

It is here that I want to remind you that choosing to spend a night in with your own company is far better than saying yes to plans you don’t even want to go to, with people you don’t even like - just for the sake of having somewhere to be. Know that spending a night in alone is essentially a choice, because if you really (and I mean, really) wanted to make plans to be out - you would have. 


Step 3: Befriend boredom. 

Remember that being bored is never a bad thing. It’s a blessing! It is with boredom that we find the motivation and room for curiosity that encourages us to explore new things. 


Step 4: Disconnect from social media. 

Absolutely NOTHING GOOD comes from viewing social media on a night home alone (trust me on this one). So do yourself a favour and just steer clear of it tonight, would you please? Because spoiler alert: the only thing you will find on there is loved up couples date night pictures, drunk videos of pres you weren't invited to, and town bathroom selfies. Looking at this is only going to exacerbate your feelings of loneliness and FOMO as you sit there scrolling in your bed, which is a waste of your precious energy my dear. 


Step 5: Choose your adventure. Now we have got the formalities out of the way, lets get to the fun part. Below are just a few of my go-to Saturday night in activities - although feel free to add to and/or edit as you wish!


  • Have yourself a dinner party for one. This is a reminder that you do not need to have other people around to cook something half-decent. You (yes, YOU) are worthy of cooking something special for all on your own. So go on then; pour yourself a glass of wine, pop on your favourite cooking playlist, and get out that new recipe you have been wanting to try. Then take the time to sit down and eat it at the table, with yourself (no distractions). Cooking for yourself in this way is a beautiful act of self-care, and who knows, it might even teach you a few new skills in the kitchen to impress future bae with on date night. 
  • Have a movie night. I'm not just talking about throwing on any old movie on your laptop as you lay in bed. I mean have a proper movie night, just like you would if you had friends over (you know… popcorn, cosy blankets, mood lighting and all). Because (without wanting to sound like a broken record) you are worth the effort all on your own. The perks? Popcorn all to yourself, no one annoyingly talking in crucial scenes, and you can stretch out on the couch as much as you like. Need I say more. 
  • Reorganise your bedroom. Cant stand the look of your cluttered wardrobe? Been thinking of getting rid of those old dresses you NEVER wear anymore (although convince yourself you might need for a dress up-party one day)? Well tonight is the night! It's time to get all Marie-Kondo and get organised, sis! I know spooning is great and all, but nothing really compares to a clean room, fresh sheets and a scented candle to top it all off. 
  • Read a book. Want to start reading but claim you never have time? Well, there are no excuses tonight! Why not read that book your mum got you last Christmas, revisit Harry Potter, or plan ahead and grab a new book in an area of interest of yours? Being well-read will make you a great conversationalist, which might even come in handy on your next first date. 
  • Get journaling. Being single gives you the time, space and freedom to really get to know yourself. In my opinion, there is no better way to do this than journaling, as it creates a dialogue with yourself in which you can begin to explore your thoughts, feelings and current perspectives on life. Not only this, but in putting pen to paper - you are unknowingly documenting a precious time of self-discovery in your life. A time, that one day in the not-to-distant-future, you will look back on with an incredible sense of awe and self-compassion. 
  • Start writing down your small business ideas. Cant stop thinking about that blog you want to start writing? App you wish existed? Or product you think the market is in desperate need of? Well tonight is the perfect time to start putting some of those brilliant ideas to plan. Grab yourself a journal, and write down all the people, resources, and courses you might need to start engaging with to get your side hustle underway. Because, reality check: all those girls slaying on Instagram with their small business don’t spend every Saturday night out getting wasted with their friends (sounds harsh, but it's true). 
  • Wine and facetime with a fellow single lady. Feel like you could still use a bit of human interaction, but don’t feel like leaving the house? Why not put on your favourite jammies, pour yourself a vino, and dial that long-distance friend's number you have been meaning to call but never do. This way you will still feel connected, yet you get to skip the lengthy nightclub waiting lines, pushy drunk people at the bar, and overpriced drinks. It’s a win-win. 
  • Turn your bathroom into a makeshift day spa. Maybe this will mean giving yourself a manicure, facial, or making yourself a DIY hair mask. Not only will this leave you feeling rejuvenated on your night in; but you will get to step into your week with cute new nails, radiant glowing skin, and silky smooth locks. Yas queen! 
  • Have a bath. How often during your week do you actually allow time for yourself to unwind, relax, and practise being present? If you are similar to the rest of us, then the odds are likely slim. In a society that has become so driven by productivity, I personally think that rest has become the ultimate act of self-care. If this resonates with you, then maybe the best thing you could do for yourself tonight is to run yourself a bath, and give yourself permission to simply be 

Follow this, and before you know it: Saturday night will be over, the sun will rise again, and you will be a stronger, more brilliant and interesting version of yourself; all because you choose to make the most of your solo Saturday night in. 


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